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Where can we find greater clarity than in the wooden
buildings of old? They seem to be echoes of old songs.

Ludwig Mies van der Rohe

Queen Anne takes off her lace

Period: 1888

Building: Queen Anne Victorian

Site: Garden cul-de-sac in Jamaica Plain

Project: Development- condo conversion / full renovation

Other areas designed: All interior w/ some exterior

Color palette: Browns, maize, ant. white, w/black & spring green

Materials palette: Oak, cherry, fir, tumbled marble, forged iron

Client: Developer of multi-family condo conversions


On a tight development budget, with luxury quality, the condo was made more open and bright, with the expected- & unexpected- amenities. Major upgrades included a full new heating system, substantial repairs to 3 fireplaces, and almost all new plumbing and electrical. Loadbearing walls were removed and support for 2 upper floors added (in conjunction with a structural engineer). "Improvements" such as dropped ceilings and Formica doors were replaced, often with architectural antiques. The kitchen was moved from a cramped space - almost a hallway - into a large central room with fireplace. Designs were to the developer's taste with pre-planned flexibility for buyers.

"I 'sort of' believed, but didn't really believe it could
be great. Now that it's done- it's amazing!"

Rob, Jamaica Plain

living room interior design
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Mouse over detail for wide shot - scroll down for 'before'

before image kitchen renovation interior design condo conversion Boston
before image total renovation interior design condo conversion Boston
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total renovation load-bearing wal removal flow through interior design
kitchen design kitchen renovation country kitchen
renovation sample fireplace design living room interior design wide shot